Saturday, April 18, 2009

Live to Ride, Ride to Live

Wow... this is what it's all about...Don and I enjoying the view at one of my fave resorts, Alpine Meadows (a slightly cheaper version of Squaw Valley). Nice big bowl areas. The beauty of Tahoe is that not only do you get mountain views, but you also have the lake...The gang, part 1. Me, Don, Mark and his son Quint. Mark's nephew and friend joined us later in the week...Why is he laughing? All I can say is... P.U.!!! Ugh, not one of Don's best weeks for intestinal happiness...New rides! We decided to stimulate the economy while we were there and buy new gear. It all started when we were in the rental shop and the rad punk (with a majorly broken arm) working the counter told me he had a perfect board for me. It was brand new that season and since he was obviously out for the rest of it, he would sell it to me for a steal. We stewed on it that day and decided to go for it. Despite it being a guy's board and a little faster than the crappy rental gear I was used to, I fell in love. However, I did not love his boots that he gave me. What was I thinking wearing his too-big-for-me boots that first day?!?! My shins weren't the same for the rest of the week. So as the week wore on, I couldn't stand those boots any longer and Don couldn't stand that I had a new board and he didn't. So we spent nearly a FULL day shopping around and Don came away with quite a killer board and I got boots that fit.

1 comment:

Sparky said...

Those boards are rockin'!

I knew what Don's laugh was all about - what happened to his stomach of steel?

Did you guys eat a caribou?

Love those smiles!