Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Give Blood, Play Rugby

We had the Lewis' and Don's college friend, Howard, here for the annual UF Rugby alumni spring weekend event. The boyz went out Friday night for the opening social and played a match against the current UF team on Saturday.

For all you rugby newbies, this is called a scrum. I call it a place I do not want my face to be on a hot Florida day...And, he's off...Yes, that is Don (and his bad back) at the bottom of the pile.Rugby alumni are called Old Boys for a reason...
Is this the rugby field or the catwalk...Thank goodness for a playground...Even Alex got in on the action...The real fun began (for Jen and I anyway) when we got a babysitter for all of our punks and went out for the night.

It began at Mother's (college bar) and digressed to a toga party (college house). We were smart enough to know our age limits before attending a toga party with undergrads.

This expression never left Howard's face all night...Whatchu talkin' 'bout...Hard to believe this sweet face could cause such violence on the field...
A whole lotta man love...They may be older but they can still out-drink 'em. Don, Howard and Matt were recruited to enter a beer drinking race of sorts - Old Boys vs. Current Team. And they won - by quite a substantial margin too. I videotaped it and I can assure you, it is not for the faint of heart. Here's to the beer race champs...

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