Monday, February 16, 2009

Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting - one of my favorite pleasures in life
One of my most favorite events over the holidays is our annual trip to taste wine. It's the right combination of everything good in life: good company, beautiful scenery, delish wine and lots of laughs. The Prince William County wine scene has really only come about in the last 10ish (?) years and there are some pretty good wineries out there. This year we hit Pearmund (our regular) and Chateau O'Brien (quite new). These wineries are located in beautiful countryside. You can see a touch of it in the backgound of some of these pics but next year I will have to make a point of taking pictures of the facilities and grounds. They are gorgeous.

Looking tired. You think we could have dressed more for the occasion but I was so tired (aka hungover - see previous post) I really didn't care.The California experts try the Virginia wines...Typical Dad. Not sure what he is doing but I have seen this move (and countless others like it) many times in my life.Then, he got serious (for mom's sake)Mom/Kev in the Pearmund Cellar...Not too often that really, really good wine serves as the hair of the dog but it worked. Smelling the bung...Nice rack!!Mom and her wine. Life is Good.Even the experts learn a thing or two from the Chateau O'Brien winemaker... or else, they are just smiling politely.Wine snob...Oh, the wine was flowing...THE bottle... let's just say, Terri and Jim made the winemaker (and owner) VERY happy about this purchase.Bunch of Winos... Til next time... Cheers!

A Night Out

Some friends of mine from high school got together over the holidays. It was like a mini-reunion and lots of fun. At one point in the evening, Christi broke out the camera and relentlessly took picture after picture. The joy of a digital camera.

For some of you this might be one of those "had to have been there" scenarios, but for those of us involved, it was a lot of fun.

I've entitled the slideshow: Fun with cameras... and beer

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Old Towns

Other annual holiday events include trips to Occoquan and Alexandria. We don't really do much more than window shop (oh, okay, an occasional after-Christmas sale item is purchased) and have a bite to eat but it has become a bit of a tradition.

The annual Occoquan kid photo. We haven't had a great one yet...another tradition I guess.The kids don't get a whole lot out of the trip except a basket of chicken tenders but they manage to make their own fun. This year Terri, Mom and Don added to the excitement when the got locked in a store. Yes, locked in. It was quite comical and I got it all on video - unfortunately too big to post here.
Working the lock, after the handle fell off...Kids calmly entertained themselves...And not so calmly...Success!Old Town Alexandria
In Occoquan our meal of choice is either clam chowder or crab soup. In Alexandria it is gumbo. Unfortunately our hole in the wall fave restaurant was closed to prep for New Year's so we ate clam chowder at another joint. Wasn't the same. But we were sure to hit Union Street Public House for a pint, a dozen (oysters) and great atmosphere.

Air and Space Museum

We visited the Air and Space Museum, Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center - the companion facility to the Smithsonian Air/Space museum. This one is located near Dulles Airport.Two peas in a pod...THAT is a big plane...Space Shuttle Enterprise...Learning from Jung Kebin...LOVE this pic - just wish it was a bit more in focus and D'elle was in it.

It's Snowing!!!!

A single snow cloud blew by and we took full advantage but by the time Grant bundled up, it was over. At least they got to catch some on their tongues. Olivia doesn't need bundling up - she inherited those Wisconsin genes. It didn't even phase her that she was bare foot.

More Holiday Fun

When you are from Florida, you really don't have much for cold weather gear. So one has to use whatever can be pieced together.Annual visit to see Gigantor (in the background)... and the other horsesFour Wheelin' FunGrant and I jumping (and ruining) Grandpa's garden

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Christmas, part 2

Christmas with the Bergers
This is my other fave picture of the holiday season (see Christmas, part 1 for the other). I sat in waiting for Santa to knock on the door so I could get a picture of their faces. As soon as the first knock could be heard, the kids instantaneously went into frenzy mode. I snapped a bunch but this is the only one that had all of them in the same shot. I think this photo does a good job of capturing that moment... including Grant running in the complete opposite direction of Santa.

Here's another. Grant still trying desperately to escape; hide behind the Christmas tree perhaps.Adults have fun watching too.Giving Santa love.Grant braved it up this year and sat on Santa's lap. I believe he still prefers not to but has grown up enough to know that if a gift is involved he'll do most anything.Grant and his pan flute - inside family joke. Ask Don if you are dying to know.Love the jammies, G'ma.I was missing Harley.Everyone loves a Gator.Bailey has taken over Dune's job of being in the center of wrapping paper mayhem.

Carolina Raptor Center

We visited the Carolina Raptor Center - an environmental conservation organization that treats injured and orphaned raptors.

My favorite, The Great Horned OwlNote his talons. They are perch and pounce hunters - they dive down with wings folded and snatch prey. Along with eagles, they have the strongest grip strength, rivaling that of four adult men. They mostly eat mammals and other owls including the...

Barn Owl
They typically live only 2-4 years in the wild. This one here is 12 years old.
Learning about wing design and the fringed feathers that allow them to fly silently.Feeding time.What's Up?