Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Perils of Daytime Blogging

I quickly learned the pitfalls of blogging during the day time. I thought the kids were being a little too quiet but I was consumed by picture placement and font color. I should have known better. To Olivia's credit, she did tell me that Grant was "playing with the foam stickers" but I was too deep into post labeling and photo resizing to make my usual quick translation into "Grant has dumped five boxes of foam stickers all over the room and peeled the backs off 50 of them and stuck them to the floor." The photo doesn't quite capture the extent of the mayhem but his face says it all. Either that or "Take one step closer lady, and you'll get the glitter glue too."

1 comment:

Sparky said...

I can remember those days, and I am sure my Mom has a picture of me similar to this one... if not on film, firmly ingrained in her memory!