Thursday, August 14, 2008

Refuge Hike and Drippy Whippy

The weather was beyond beautiful during our trip to Virginia - somewhere in the 70s and low humidity - not very typical Virginia-in-August at all. However, the mosquitoes were as vicious as ever. So, armed with bug spray, we took a hike through the refuge in hopes of seeing some wildlife, especially the wild ponies that Chincoteague is famous for. I grew up fantasizing about owning one. They have a "pony penning" day every year where the local volunteer firemen play saltwater cowboys for a day and round them up, swim them across the channel from Assateague to Chincoteague and auction them off to the highest bidder. Proceeds go to the fireman for both new equipment and care of the ponies. Those that aren't sold swim back to their home on the refuge. Although we saw some in the distance on the way to the beach another day, no luck this day. But there was a lot of poop and Uncle Jim had Grant convinced it was from rhinoceroses.At the overlook where Grant was sure he saw camels in the distance. Has this kid been to Africa in a different life?Team tired...And no trip to Chincoteague would ever be complete without a trip or two or three to Mr. Whippy.Mr. Whippy sure has grown up since the days it was a simple walk up ice cream stand but the drippy Whippy tradition continues.

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