Saturday, August 23, 2008

Butterfly Rescue

The other day a blur of orange caught my eye as I was passing by a window. I looked up and saw a monarch beating its wings between the glass and the screen, trapped inside. A closer look revealed that it had hatched from a chrysalis that you can see hanging here. There was slight opening between the screen and the wall - big enough for a caterpillar to get in but too small for a butterfly to get out.Olivia helped me capture the butterfly and release it outside. It sat there awhile, probably a bit dazed and confused and tired. I was pretty happy to see a successful hatching. I have planted Milkweed outside and each year the monarchs gobble it down, lay eggs and hatch caterpillars. Twice we have found chrysalis' attached to various parts of our house and twice they have died. Here is our first success, that we know of...

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