Thursday, November 20, 2008

Missing an old friend

It's just over a year since Dune passed away and we all still greatly miss him... even Harley.Dune loved the water but was soooo chicken to jump off a boat. That fear made it easy to take him on boat rides - he wouldn't escape for a free swim like other labs I know.He loved my parents house because we could just let him run and run and sniff and run...A true Florida dog...Who's who? Any true Dune friend would know that it is Dune on left - he licked anyone and anything ALL the time. (Brooks on right). 2006.Christmas was always a fave of Dune's...except for Santa. He had a complete dislike for the man, no matter who he was each year. I wish I had pics of him in full Santa attack but along with our puppy pics, they were taken pre-digital cameras. Dune was such a mellow dog that it made watching him go bezerk over Santa even more funny. He wouldn't stop barking until Mr. C left the house. Here you can still see the "I-haven't-take-my-eyes-off-you-yet-Mister!" look (as well as the look of distress on Robert's and Braden's faces... poor Santa never really got much love until the kids passed the age of 3).Can you find him?Playing football in the snow...I'm sure Dune and Ashe are having more than their share of fun in doggie heaven.We miss you!