Thursday, October 16, 2008

Which housewife are you?

My friend Angela passed this quiz on so I took it... and it says I'm Gabrielle! What in the world?! And I took the quiz 5 different times (yes, 5) and turned up Gabby all five times (yes, 5)!! I can't figure it out? I'm guessing it is because I'm not good with money. Thankfully Don is! Darn pop culture quizzes...


Anonymous said...

I also took the test several times! I got Bree most of the time and Lynette occasionally. But those are the two that I would have guessed for myself. Gabby for you?!


Dianne said...

They are all a stretch for any normal person but I was guessing Lynnette for me. I changed my answers multiple times and still came up with Gabby. The only answer I didn't change was to the money question, b/c I just had to be fair with that one... so Gabby, it is.