Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Great Pumpkin

Our continued return trip home was sidetracked again when we stopped at a pumpkin patch.Pumpkin picking lessons...Corn anyone?Lots of little gourds. The kids each picked their own.The Great Pumpkin...It turns out we were a day early. The patch wasn't officially opening until the next day - we missed that on the sign when we pulled in. We sat on the hay ride anyway.A few pumpkin patch visits from past years...

2007 in Manassas, VaHauling the load...With Grandma and Grandpa...


Dara said...

Hey..I remember those last 2 pics! Olivia is oging to be the corpse bride this year but waht are the rest of you going to be?

Dianne said...

For some reason we do not have any 2005 photos?!?!
Grant - pirate.
Don - scary skeleton creature thing. He is going to answer the door in it.
Me - unknown. I do have some cool orange and black striped tights though.