Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hiking and Biking and Biking and Hiking

We have been doing a lot of both lately and EVERY time we come across something we haven't seen before. Hiking in particular is one of the most fun, educational and enjoyable things we have found to do. Not to mention the easiest - you just WALK and all kinds of interesting things pop up around you.

Some recent highlights:

Seed pod...Blue-tailed skink...Field of flowers...Hay bale fun...Apparently Don thought he'd catch me making a fool of myself but I got up on the first try.

Strong man...

The most exciting find of late were the Dung beetles on a horse trail. I was surprised at how many there were. It was very cool watching them pushing the dung back to their burrows. YUM!Darn we'll have to put those dung beetles back...

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