Saturday, August 8, 2009

Marsh Walk

One of our favorite beach activities is a marsh walk. This year we could access one right on the beach so we ventured there almost daily. The kids (all of us) love to explore and it gives Uncle Don and Cousin Nate a chance to show off their ecological knowledge.

Found something!Lots of hermit crabs were found.Hermit crab race - which would come out of it's shell first?Hermit crab tracks as it raced back to the water.One cool find was this horse conch. When we first found it, it was trying to eat a large clam. Another find - the elusive fibb-a-ler crab...

A channel cut through from the marsh to the ocean. Provided a fun place to swim to cross and get stranded...and to cross and get cut... by the hidden oyster beds. Don got cut too but his wasn't as glamorous as mine. And then of course, Popka had to show us all up a few days later (previously discussed).

Love the marsh...

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