Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Carry Me Back to Ol' Virginny

The past couple of years we have been heading back to Virginia in August and it always seems to work out that I drive up with the kids while Don flies up from wherever he is at the time and meets us the next day or so. He's got it tough. But I have to say, for an 11.5 hour drive, it's not bad. And we don't even turn the DVD player on until South Carolina somewhere.

Welcome to Manassas!and to a fantastic farmer's market!
Dragonfruit, not purchased at the farmer's market, brought up by Don. Beautiful, but not much taste. What flavor there is, is a bit kiwi-like. And mangoes too!Mom, Dad and Karen took the kids to the Prince William County Fair - biggest in the state! when Don and I went out one evening to catch with some of my old high school friends. We were very tempted to skip it and go to the fair - it is a great fair. Unfortunately, Grandpa forgot the camera.

The next day Don, Dad and I ventured off to do some antiquing, with a side stop for some wine tasting. We hit a new winery this time - - not my fave Virginia wine but it was a beautiful winery. Unfortunately it was my turn to forget the camera. We did have Don's phone and used it to capture the thrill of driving down one of the many back roads on our country drive.

Picture to come... once I get it off Don's phone...

Otherwise we (Nacho too) spent our time lounging by the pool, exploring the yard, catching up with fam and friends and eating good food.Then, it was off to the eastern shore...

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