Saturday, February 14, 2009

Christmas, part I

Christmas with the McMullens and Behringers
One of my favorite pictures of the holiday season (see Christmas, part 2 for the other). This photo sums up what happens to kids when they have too little sleep and too much sugar. We lost all control of them on Christmas Eve.
It began with Uncle Matt covering Grant in tattoos which lasted the entire holiday season. My personal fave was the big one on the back of the neck. He looked gangsta... and I found myself slightly embarrassed and frantically trying to keep it covered while in church.
We visited a really cool train display, located on top of a music store.
Japanese Steak house
Quite a first time experience for Grant. As soon as the chef began (literally, as soon as he made his first move) Grant flew out of his seat and hid under the table! The flames and banging knives were too much for him and he wouldn't come out for awhile. Once we were able to convince him that it was okay and actually a lot of fun, he slinked out and watched some of the show at the end. And then proceeded to eat his entire meal with chopsticks. We decided we either need to serve every meal at home with chopsticks... or with that secret sweet shrimp sauce.Remote Controlled Truck - was this gift for Grant or Don?Barbie House!Santa is alright!We managed to burn off some of Aunt Donna's cookies by hiking.Some vine climbing. And we thought we had thick vines in Florida. Note the twisted center. These vines were thick!

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