Saturday, February 14, 2009

Christmas, part 2

Christmas with the Bergers
This is my other fave picture of the holiday season (see Christmas, part 1 for the other). I sat in waiting for Santa to knock on the door so I could get a picture of their faces. As soon as the first knock could be heard, the kids instantaneously went into frenzy mode. I snapped a bunch but this is the only one that had all of them in the same shot. I think this photo does a good job of capturing that moment... including Grant running in the complete opposite direction of Santa.

Here's another. Grant still trying desperately to escape; hide behind the Christmas tree perhaps.Adults have fun watching too.Giving Santa love.Grant braved it up this year and sat on Santa's lap. I believe he still prefers not to but has grown up enough to know that if a gift is involved he'll do most anything.Grant and his pan flute - inside family joke. Ask Don if you are dying to know.Love the jammies, G'ma.I was missing Harley.Everyone loves a Gator.Bailey has taken over Dune's job of being in the center of wrapping paper mayhem.

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