Sunday, December 7, 2008

Shark's Teeth in the Woods?

Olivia's Brownie troop met for a day of hiking and sharks teeth hunting at a nature park. Ms. Angela (troop leader) is giving instructions...First we went on a bubble gum hike - the girls had to find as many colors as they could using natural items. Whenever an item was found that she wanted to use, she would pull a small piece of bubble gum from the wad in her mouth and use it as glue to hold the item on her card. Fun idea even if it was a bit slimy. This really isn't a difficult task unless your child is missing three teeth in the most inappropriate places.Searching the creek...Surprisingly we found many teeth just lying right on top of the sand at the bottom of the stream bed. But these sieves were most useful when we wanted to scoop deeper.Shark's teeth. Score!Olivia and Thalia... not shy about jumping right in, socks/shoes and all...

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