Saturday, July 11, 2009

Nacho Cheese Behringer

Somehow I sweet talked Don into a cat.

We acquired Nacho a few weeks ago from a colleague of mine. Due to her husband's job taking him all over campus, and his soft heart for cats, he rescued a litter of feral kittens found by a sorority house. She recalled a comment I made about liking orange cats and mentioned they were harboring two of them in their bath tub at home. I was sold immediately - on both of them.

Now, when I say "sweet talked" Don - not really. He is a sucker for cats. It's just that he is highly allergic to them. Wait, no, how did the allergist put it?? Oh yes... "I've seen more people allergic than you are, but not many. You are extremely allergic." Like, off-the-charts-allergic. I guess the "sucker for cats" part won over the "extremely allergic" part because it really didn't take much convincing. So needless to say, I had to compromise and only get one kitten. We agreed that he will be part outdoor cat once he is old enough. Good thing too, because it turns out that Grant is allergic too.

Meet Nacho.Could she be any happier? When we picked him up, Olivia didn't realize we actually were keeping him. I was trying to capture her reaction on video and she wasn't really reacting like I thought she might. Just a bit too nonchalant. She held him, pet him, cooed over him and then as we were leaving she handed him back. It appears she didn't hear me (hmm, imagine that) tell her "he is yours." So I repeated it as I re-handed him to her.

I captured the afterglow of her realization. It think it's pretty obvious she is in love...Other name considerations:
Mr. Whiskers
Catty Me-a (Grant's contribution)

Nacho won the family vote.

Love the extended claws on both paws.His play house purchased to help occupy those claws.Who me? I would never claw up this one beautiful piece of furniture you own.The life...Next up... a dog.

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