Saturday, May 16, 2009

Look Ma! No training wheels!

I'm not sure how I let this one slip past, but Olivia is riding a bike! Without training wheels! It happened the same w'end as her first swim meet (See here) and with that huge victory under our belts I guess was in success overload.
Apparently she was still flying high from Saturday's swimming success when on Sunday she requested to go bike riding... and when Don took the training wheels off, she just did it. Just like that. Like she'd been doing it forever. For a kid who has never had a fear of deep water, or the high dive, or swimming waaaaay out in the ocean ever since she was one year old... riding a bike paralyzed her. So this was a big deal.
That was one full weekend and I do recall sleeping very well Sunday night.We also went to an art festival that morning hence the lovely face painting. Go La-La Go...

Grant on his way...


Unknown said...

You do have the most BEAUTIFUL children! What great pictures and I'm so glad to be able to keep up with you via the blog. Aren't computers just wonderful? What did we do without them? Must get to my Blog since it's been a few weeks.

Big Papa said...

I guess I need to travel more often so that you can keep up with the blog. It seems all the updates occur when I'm gone!