Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Winter Hiking

We spent a fair amount of time this winter hiking in Paynes Prairie and San Felasco. Every time we go we see something new... every time!
This was a particularly relaxing day. The weather was perfect and we were tired so we sat (and snoozed) for awhile under a stand of pine trees.The kids played with sticks and dirt for a long while...These photos are blurry b/c Grant was bent on charging me each time I tried to take a picture. Still, they turned out to be some of my favorite pics of him...Blowing in the wind...On the walk home we tried out our gymnastics skills.

Balance Beam...Somersaults...Cartwheels...For my 40th birthday, Scott and Dara completely surprised me by driving down from Florence, SC and knocking on our door 11:30pm on Friday night. Don and our friend Veronica planned a surprise party for me on Saturday night - complete with friends I hadn't seen in awhile. It was a total surprise and a lot of fun. Too bad I don't have any photos from it!! Guess I was too busy being surprised to think of taking pics.
The next day we went for a quick hike before they headed back north...

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