Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Belated Thanksgiving

Sure they say that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line but I think the shortest distance between anything at all is the number of days between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is nearly equidistant time between the two right now and I am already soooo far behind. Sometimes I think I should quit while I'm behind, call it good and just chill for the rest of the year... but I carry on like the rest of us and know that it is all worth it in the end and miss every second when its over. So, on that note I will FINALLY get these Thanksgiving posts up so that I can then begin to write Christmas letters, bake cookies, go to parties, finish shopping, wrap gifts, pack suitcases...

We had Don's family here for Thanksgiving and got to use our dining room for the very first time!!! Thanks to the handed down table from Don's parents and conference room chairs from Don's office, we had the whole crew at the table. It was pretty cool. We also got to use our full china set for the first time, allowing us to discover we are sorely lacking some key pieces. Everyone had a hand or two in preparing dishes and we had way too much food, especially since the kids eat like mice. Some other scenes from Thanksgiving day:

Most unusal: Ben (aka Percy Harvin) and Olivia playing together!! For a long time. And they were having lots of fun...Most usual: Prone Popka (affectionately pronounced "pah-ka")...Uncle Matt being bugged by the kids for one more spinning twirl while singing "I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy"...Who Luvs Ya Uncle Matt? WE DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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